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BAB wins best digital media technology award for its Comitium platform

Gerard Artés, CEO of the company, received the award at the XVII edition of the awards.

Sergi Panisello 10/12/2019

Yes, we're in luck! This Thursday we received from the editorial board of prnoticias the award for 'best technology for digital media'. The reason: our Comitium digital newspaper management platform.

The event, held on Thursday, November 21 at the Mr. Fox hall in Madrid, was attended by leading players in the sector and took place in a friendly and relaxed atmosphere.

During the collection of the award, our CEO Gerard Artés recalled BAB's journey in the digital publishing sector and wanted to highlight the importance of teamwork both in the evolution of the company and Comitium.

The platform, with 15 years of evolution, represents one of the pillars of BAB and has become a benchmark for both Catalan and national digital publications.

At the subsequent reception we had the opportunity to exchange views on the present and future of digital journalism and the many challenges that both the media and the technology companies that support them will have to face. Paid content, the fight against fake news, advertising and the evolution of consumer habits have been recurring topics of conversation.Paid content, the fight against fake news, advertising and the evolution of consumer habits have been recurring topics of conversation.

Pr Noticias celebrated in this edition its 20 years of history and has done so by recognizing 22 media and companies. Here you have the complete list of the winners in this edition:

  • Best News: Sandra Golpe

  • Best sports program: El Chiringuito de Jugones

  • Lo mejor de la televisión: Movistar Series 

  • Best entertainment program: La Resistencia

  • Best new media: Escudo Digital (Mauricio Fernández)

  • Best Technology for Digital Media: BAB

  • Best Dircom: Amalia Blanco (Bankia)

  • Best Financial Communication: Banco Sabadell

  • Best Communication Agency: Canela PR

  • Best Real Estate Communication: Grupo Avintia

  • Best Disruptive Communication: Airbnb

  • Best Spain Brand Campaign: ‘Talento a bordo’ (Iberia)

  • Best Consumer Research: IPG Media Brands

  • Best Social Awareness Campaign: Atresmedia por ‘Levanta la cabeza’

  • Best bet for the future: Campaña ‘Tu Propósito’ (Adecco)

  • Best Financial Culture in CSR: CaixaBank

  • Best Book 3.0: Ana Palencia por ‘Sostenibilidad con propósito’

  • Best Influencer Representative: The Few

  • Best Social Media Impact: José Luis Martínez Almeida

  • Best Environmental Promoter: José Luis Gallego

  • Best Health Innovation: Novartis Oncología

  • Best food of the last 100 years: Danone

And yes, an award is an award, but it fills us with pride because it is a recognition of the dedication, work and daily effort of our entire team. So we can only give thanks and keep working to offer the best of ourselves every day..

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